Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Castaway Christmas - Twinkle, Twinkle...

Fairy lights are magical especially at Christmas.

I personally like to choose the white lights over coloured any day for their stylish simplicity.

I'd really like to adapt the plain white lights with some kind of decorative cover over the bulbs, but I do worry about fire hazards - if any one's got any tips, please share.

I've found some really beautiful fairy light ideas, not just for the tree, not even just for Christmas, these little illuminations are just perfect for that extra special touch, enjoy and let these ideas light up your imagination.

(all images Pinterest)

Happy Island Styling.


  1. Love the simplicity of the white lights!
    Like the post and the blog, look forward to seeing more!
    x katrina

  2. What a lovely blog you have. Folowing you now

  3. Love all of the twinkly lights, they are all so magical!
