Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sail Away Saturday - Pacific Peace

Oceania Island Living was born from an amazing adventure through the South Pacific more than 10 years ago on my way to a new life in Australia.

It's one of those rare places in the world that's still magical.

The word Pacific has two main meanings, the worlds largest ocean and peaceful, calm, serene, still, quiet and tranquil.

I can't think of a better place to be on a weekend than next to the Pacific ocean to calm the soul from a hectic week of utter madness.

The South Pacific can teach us many things, and peace has to be the most important.

Have a lovely peaceful weekend.

Happy Island Styling.


  1. The closest I have been to the south Pacific was the Hawaiian Islands...I would love to go to Bora Bora...or any of those islands!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Zoe, Yep, it's pretty dam good on the Pacific, I can't wait to explore it more!
    Sar x

  3. Thanks Girls, the South Pacific is so untouched that's what makes it so magical. You can really imagin what Captain Cook saw hitting those shores because not much has changed in a century or more and that's pretty rare in today's world.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Zoe x
